Uses of Honey

Honey is one of the healthiest foods and has numerous health benefits. Honey strengthens your immune system, it also helps reduce the risk of heart diseases.
Honey can help and boost your physical appearance as well! Here are some ways in which honey can change your health and appearance.


Honey for your appearance: 
1) Honey and lemon: to remove unwanted facial hair
The sticky and thick texture of honey helps you to pull out unwanted hair on your body. How to: Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice in a spoonful of honey and mix them. Apply the simple mixture, and let it settle for 2-3 minutes. Rub your skin in the opposite direction of your hair growth and keep rubbing them for 5-10 minutes. You might not see rapid change if the amount of hair is a lot, do this twice a week and a month would be enough for a change.

Benefits of Honey with Warm Water1(1)
2) Honey for hazel, lighter eyes:
Since many of us have dark eyes, we admire and desire to have lighter eyes. Honey can help you with that too!
How to: Add a drop of pure, 100% organic honey in each eye. Continue this for a month and notice your eyes getting lighter!

NOTE: Make sure that the honey you are using is 100%pure.
Honey might sting a bit, you can dilute it in water as well to reduce the stinging.

3)Honey as a scrub:
How to: Mix honey with sugar and apply it on your face. Rub it after 2-3 minutes. This can help you get rid of blackheads, and will help you get a clearer skin.

Honey for weight loss:
How to: 1) Get a glass of room temperature water, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Mix them well together and drink it every morning empty stomach. A difference in your weight will be seen in a couple of months.

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Book review: Adultery, Paulo Coelho.


This is a story of a woman, who has a job of a journalist, a successful spouse and 2 kids living in a posh house. She attends numerous parties, and gets to interview many famous public figures, politicians etc. For everyone else, she “has it all”. But she still thinks something’s missing out from her life. What could it be? Can it be passion? Or her monotonous days are just boring her? Is the fear of taking risks and having things changed the cause of it? Is adventure missing from her life?
Linda knows she’s lucky, but every morning she wakes up, the fact that its all going to be the same and nothing new makes her less thankful for the blessings. She needs a change, but is equally scared of a change.

Linda finds herself lonely, bored, and her days monotonous, and so she throws herself in an adventure, a risk which could change it all, but NOT a good change. She finds out her other side, one which is more careless and wild, one which is completely different from her usual self. The good mother and a wife, a respectable journalist disappear when she’s on her adventure.Whatever happens next is unpredictable, and can be destructing.

The story might get slow and less exciting for some reader as the story is paced with the character’s struggle and personality, and you might as well find Linda disgusting, selfish and self-absorbed. People might stop reading it because it might seem slow and impossible. But never think of putting Paulo’s book down, you never know what he’s going to bring up next. He never fails to teach his readers.

I might help

Its easy to say, and even more easier to imagine it in our heads, but it can be the most difficult thing to do for real; to let things go. All of us have gone through something, and if you don’t feel that you’ve seen such hardships, just know that a time comes in everyone’s life where everything seems to be falling apart. A time when everyone around you seems to be in a better state than you, the people you care about the most hurts you the most, and you just cant let go. Even i know that feeling. And i know sharing your thoughts with someone doesn’t really get you anywhere, unless the other party actually cares (which is hardly seen nowadays, people are just curious).

So many people will tell you to let go, to move on. But easy said than done, right?
If anything is disturbing us, anything from our past, or present, maybe a person who’s constantly hurting you, the first thing you deeply have to realise is that if good times can end, bad times will end too. You cant keep on satisfying your heart with fake ideas that your mind itself doesn’t believe in. Be honest to yourself, and face the bad times by being practical

I keep a diary, I write down about things which make me sad, mad, or anything that makes me feel vulnerable. Let it be something from my past. This helps me let it all out, since human beings nowadays are not trust worthy enough. I wish i could help each and every sad person, I want to influence and inspire people.
Its a piece of advise, start writing you thoughts down. Cry, its not a bad thing and nothing to be ashamed of. Learn from your past, face all the hardships and don’t underestimate yourself. Forget about “letting go”, focus on doing something healthy for your own and hope that everything will be just fine. Just don’t exhaust yourself, don’t stress out, everything’s alright.

10 books on my wish list

-Eleanor and Park- Rainbow Rowell

-Shatter me- Tahereh Mafi

-Bastard of Istanbul- Elif Shakil

-Sarah’s key- Tatiana de Rosnay

-Not without my daughter- Betty Mahmoody

-Adultery- Paulo Coelho

-My bestfriend’s girl- Dorothy Koomson

-52 reasons to hate my father

-11 minutes- Paulo Coelho

-And the mountains echoed- Khaled Hosseini