10 Easy home remedies to get rid of pimples!

Pimples escape to the surface mostly at the wrong time, when there’s big event coming up or maybe a weekend you’ve got to enjoy. PIMPLES RUIN IT ALL! Every girl understands, and every girls looks for a quick soluion. Here are some simple home remedies for you to get rid o pimples if you’re short of time!


1) Lemon juice Apply fresh lemon juice on it and keep it overnight. It helps kill the bacteria.


2) Baking soda Take the right amount of baking soda you need and add few drop of water in it, just enough to make it a thick paste. Don’t add too much water. Apply it on the pimple, you’ll see a quick change. It also helps you get rid of scars left by pimples.

3) Cinnamon and honey mask 2 tablespoon honey and mix it with 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply the mixture and let i stay for 10-15 minutes.


4) Honey Apply honey for at least 1 hour, its very effective!

5) Ice Wrap a clean thin piece of clothe or tissue paper around the ice cube and keep icing your pimple for some time. It help decrease the size of the pimple.

6) Tomato juice Dab the pimple at least twice a day with fresh tomato juice.

7) Fresh garlic Use fresh garlic on the pimple, kills bacteria real quick.

8) Toothpaste This can be less effective if the pimple is too bad. Apply a layer of toothpaste on the pimple (overnight).

9) Aloe-vera  Apply fresh aloe-vera on the damaged area.


10) SELF CONTROL-Don’t touch your skin Avoid unnecessary rubbing or friction on your skin, don’t itch, scratch or touch your pimples. This one can be the most difficult though!

Hope these help you. Share your ideas and advises in the comment box! 😀

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