How to have long and strong nails?

Since long nails and painting you nails in different and beautiful ways is a thing now, every other girl looks forward to growing her nails longer and be a part of this trend. But what most of us go through while growing out our nails is their weakening and them breaking easily.
Here are some easy and effective tips to have longer and stronger nails!

1. Dip your nails in white vinegar for 3-5 minutes. This will strengthen your nails and will effect the growth as well.
Note: your finger tips can smell bad after this, make sure you wash it twice or thrice.

2. Rub ginger on your nails. This has been the most effective thing to do in order to grow your nails longer AND strong.
Note: This also smells bad, wash until the smell goes!

3. Massage your nail beds! It increases blood flow. It helps the nail growth and also strengthens them.

4. Apply clear nail polish regularly, this makes the nail harder and also protects the upper surface of your nail.

5. Dip your hands in olive oil, this will help your nails as well as moisturise your hands!