I might help

Its easy to say, and even more easier to imagine it in our heads, but it can be the most difficult thing to do for real; to let things go. All of us have gone through something, and if you don’t feel that you’ve seen such hardships, just know that a time comes in everyone’s life where everything seems to be falling apart. A time when everyone around you seems to be in a better state than you, the people you care about the most hurts you the most, and you just cant let go. Even i know that feeling. And i know sharing your thoughts with someone doesn’t really get you anywhere, unless the other party actually cares (which is hardly seen nowadays, people are just curious).

So many people will tell you to let go, to move on. But easy said than done, right?
If anything is disturbing us, anything from our past, or present, maybe a person who’s constantly hurting you, the first thing you deeply have to realise is that if good times can end, bad times will end too. You cant keep on satisfying your heart with fake ideas that your mind itself doesn’t believe in. Be honest to yourself, and face the bad times by being practical

I keep a diary, I write down about things which make me sad, mad, or anything that makes me feel vulnerable. Let it be something from my past. This helps me let it all out, since human beings nowadays are not trust worthy enough. I wish i could help each and every sad person, I want to influence and inspire people.
Its a piece of advise, start writing you thoughts down. Cry, its not a bad thing and nothing to be ashamed of. Learn from your past, face all the hardships and don’t underestimate yourself. Forget about “letting go”, focus on doing something healthy for your own and hope that everything will be just fine. Just don’t exhaust yourself, don’t stress out, everything’s alright.